National Association Of UNESCO Clubs In Bangladesh - Dhaka

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Company name
National Association Of UNESCO Clubs In Bangladesh
BANBEIS Bhaban (3rd floor), Palassy-Nilkhet, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh
Contact number
8627969 (Off)
Mobile phone
01711520146 (Mobile)
Company manager Mahbubuddin Chowdhury
Establishment year 1985
Employees 1-5
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Company description
UNESCO Club Movement in Bangladesh

The National Association of UNESCO Clubs in Bangladesh (NAUCB) was founded during a convention of UNESCO Clubs and Associations in Bangladesh held at BANBEIS Bhaban, Dhaka on January 1, 1985. Formation of NAUCB received support of the Bangladesh National Commission for UNESCO (BNCU), Ministry of Education, Govt. of Bangladesh.

Aims and Objectives

• To popularize the aims and objectives of the United Nation’s Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and promote its programmes and activities amongst the masses in Bangladesh.

• To promote International Understanding, Peace and Cooperation through Education, Science, Culture and Mass Communication.

• To provide a common national platform for all UNESCO Clubs,  
Show more Centres and Associations in Bangladesh and to present a unified UNESCO Club Movement in the country.

• To cooperate with the Bangladesh National Commission for UNESCO (BNCU) in its programmes and activities.

• to popularize the programmes and activities of the United Nations and its specialized agencies through member UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations.

• To represent Bangladesh in the world Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations (WFUCA), Asian Pacific Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations (AFUCA) and other International and Regional Organizations.

Affiliation with World Bodies

NAUCB is a member of the world Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations (WFUCA), Paris and the Asian Pacific Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations (AFUCA), Tokyo. (Individual UNESCO Clubs can not become the members of WFUCA and AFUCA. It is only through their National Federation or Association that they can have links with these organizations).


NAUCB has over 2000 member UNESCO Clubs and Association representing almost all districts and upa-zilla territories in Bangladesh.

Membership Fee to NAUCB is Tk. 200/= per annum.

Publications and Newsletter

NAUCB has developed printed materials from time to time. These are available both in English and Bangali free of cost, to the UNESCO Club and other interested persons and institutions. Printed materials received from UNESCO and United Nations are distributed to the UNESCO Clubs affiliated to NAUCB. The brusure of “NAUCB Newsletter” containing articles on programmes and activities of UNESCO, UN and its specialized agencies, WFUCA, AFUCA, BNCU and activity reports of various UNESCO Clubs in Bangladesh and abroad is distributed free of cost to the members. NAUCB has also completed and distributed to its members, important information on issues related to Environment. Ocean, Human Rights Education, Media Violence, Older persons, Population Control, HIV/AIDS, Culture of Peace, Cultural Heritage etc.

Relations with Bangladesh National Commission for UNESCO (BNCU)

National Association of UNESCO Clubs in Bangladesh (NAUCB) works in close cooperation and under the guidance of Bangladesh National Commission for UNESCO (BNCU). The officials of BNCU have actively participated in the programmes of NAUCB. From time to time, NAUCB gives suitable financial support for the programmes and activities of NAUCB. BNCU has also organized programmes together with NAUCB.

Relations with UNESCO Headquarters, Paris

The activities and programmes of National Association of UNESCO Clubs in Bangladesh (NAUCB) have received recognition and appreciation from UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. NAUCB receives suitable financial assistance for specific programmes from UNESCO Headquarters. The officials from UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, specially from the Division of National Commissions and UNESCO Clubs and other officials of the UNESCO and related organizations have visited the office of NAUCB in Dhaka.

Relations with UNESCO Dhaka Office

National Association of UNESCO Clubs in Bangladesh (NAUCB) has most cordial relations with UNESCO Dhaka office. The Director and officials, Programme spcialists of UNESCO Dhaka Office have actively participated and guided the programmes organised by NAUCB, specially the training programmes and seminars organised by NAUCB from time to time, for the leaders of UNESCO Clubs in Bangladesh and Asia. NAUCB has organised several porgrammes and activities in collaboration with UNESCO Dhaka office.

Historical Background of UNESCO Club Movement

Symbolizing the enthusiasm and idealism of the people of several countries, the UNESCO Club movement grew up spontaneously following the creation of UNESCO. This is well illustrated by Japan, where the Clubs were born out of ruins of the immediate post-war period. The first UNESCO Club was set up in Sendai (Japan) on 19th July, 1947 followed by another in Kyoto (Japan) and at Steele Center in Denver (Colorado) in the United States of America in the same year. Very soon more than a hundred UNESCO clubs and Associations were formed, mostly is Japan and France. On the occasion of third anniversary of UNESCO’s founding (4th November, 1949) the then Director General of UNESCO launched an appeal for the creation of UNESCO Clubs in Secondary Schools and Universities. Following this appeal UNESCO Club movement gradually spread throughout the world. Presently there are over 5000 UNESCO Clubs & Associations in about 120 Countries.

UNESCO Club Movement in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh the Bangladesh National Commission for UNESCO (BNCU), Ministry of Education, Government of Bangladesh is the agency of liaison between the Government, UNESCO and Institutions working for the advancement of aims and objectives of UNESCO, BNCU encourages establishment of UNESCO Clubs in Bangladesh through National Association of UNESCO Clubs in Bangladesh (NAUCB).

What are UNESCO Clubs?

UNESCO Clubs are groups of people of all ages and social and professional backgrounds who share UNESCO’s ideals, endeavor to make it known and associate them with its work by undertaking activities directly inspired by those of UNESCO.

Why UNESCO Clubs?

Personal intellectual horizons are becoming wider very day. The man of the past was concerned merely with his village his town or his country, but the man of today has interest extending far beyond a purely national frame work. The more general availability of transport and the ideas and concepts spread by the media have given people a great longing to learn about foreign countries or ways of thought and expression that are different from their own. This curiosity goes hand in hand with awareness of the innumerable international problems and tensions that arise and of the need to resolve them in an atmosphere of mutual understanding trust and respect.

The UNESCO Clubs are for those moved by such curiosity and those who wish to satisfy it by trying to understand and to solve those problems in a spirit of solidarity.

What are the aims and the role of UNESCO Clubs?

The aims of UNESCO Clubs are those of UNESCO itself as proclaimed in its constitution, to contribute to peace and security by promoting collaboration among the nations through education, science and culture in order to further universal respect for Justice for the rule of law and for human rights and fundamental freedoms which are affimed for the peoples of the world, without distinction of race, sex, language or religion by the Charter of the United Nations.

Although each Club has its own particular character, all have characteristics in common. They are the meeting place of individuals wishing to join together in a quest and in a wide variety of activities, in a climate of complete trust and tolerance, without discrimination based on sex, nationality, race, religion, social background or political opinion. They are the meeting place of those men and women of good will who regard world peace in terms of respect for human rights, development and cooperation.

The UNESCO Club may be considered as a centre for life long education. It plays a training role of the greatest importance for its members, for in addition to providing knowledge per se-something that may other associations also do-the club aims to get its members to think and to work with open-mindedness and an understanding of other people, whether close or far.

How to start a UNESCO Club?

There are no technicalities involved in opening a UNESCO Club or Association. Assemble a group of about 15 like minded people desirous to promote international understanding and to involve themselves in the programmes and activities of UNESCO. From an association of persons, give it an appropriate name, chalk out aims and objectives, adopt a constitution elect office bearers and executive council members. Topics of discussion meetings, venue of meetings, membership fees and other administrative matters can be decided with mutual consent of members in a democratic manner. Hold periodical meetings of members to discuss strategies fro implementing the progrmmes and activities.

School and ASPnet UNESCO Clubs: Under the chairmanship of the school Principal/Headmaster/ Headmistress, nominate a committee of five teachers or more; appoint/elect a leader to be designated as Director of UNESCO Club. Select an appropriate and district name. Inform the students about the purpose of a UNESCO Club and enroll the interested students as members. Appoint office bearers and executive committee members amongst the students. Hold periodical meetings, preferably once a fortnight or once a month, on a fixed day (like 2nd Friday or last Friday of the month). Select activities (like observation of International days. Year or Decades etc.) Invite a resource person or the school Principal to meetings. Prepare a short report and maintain a proper record of activities. At the beginning of a new academic year, hold fresh elections of office bearers and Executive committee members on the basis of their performance, interest shown in the activities etc. This will encourage students to take more interest in club activities.

These are only the board guidelines; interested people/schools are free to adopt any method/procedure to form a group/association of interested people, teachers and students}.

Relations between UNESCO Clubs and UNESCO?

The Clubs were born of individual initiative. From the beginning to the present day, they have been set up in an answer to a widespread felling among their members, of the need to participate more actively in international life, in harmony with UNESCO’s approach and within its fields of competence. Their activities are directed towards the ideal set forth in the Preamble to the UNESCO Constitution. “Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed”. Although UNESCO allows its name to be used by the clubs, this title implies no official link between UNESCO and these associations (Clubs), which are the responsibility of the National Commission for UNESCO.

No commercial activity, of any kind can be undertaken by UNESCO Clubs. They are purely, voluntary, non-government, non-profit making and social organizations.

What is UNESCO ?

UNESCO is an acronym for the United Nations, Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, with its Constitution adopted in November 1945, which entered into effect in November 1946 as a specialized agency of the United Nations. UNESCO is an inter-governmental organization with Member States. The purpose of UNESCO is to contribute to peace and security by promoting collaboration among the nations through education, science and culture in order to further universal respect of justice, for the rule of law and for the human rights and fundamental freedoms which are affirmed for the peoples of the world, without distinction of race sex, language or religion, by the charter of the United Nations.

As on 1st October 2003, 190 Countries are Members of UNESCO and there an Associate Members.

Ms.Irina Bokova is the present Director General of UNESCO.

UNESCO Constitution

........ Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.

....... That a peace based exclusively upon the political and economic arrangements of governments would not be a peace which could secure the unanimous, lasting and sincere support of the people of the world, and that the peace must therefore be founded, if it is not to fail, upon the intellectual and moral solidarity of mankind.

Bangladesh and UNESCO

Bangladesh is a founder member of UNESCO and has played an active role in popularizing the activities of UNESCO by providing leading educationists, scientists and specialists in various fields as members of the UNESCO secretariat, various International panels, consultants to other member states and members of the board. Bangladesh has the unique distinction of being on the Executive Board of UNESCO since its inception.

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