QuickMed - Dhaka, Bangladesh
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House-38 Gareeb-e-Nawaz Ave, Dhaka 1230, Bangladesh
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Establishment year 2019
Employees 11-50
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Company description
QuickMed is an innovative telemedicine platform that provides patients and doctors with online video consultations, drugs, diagnostics and e-consultations all over the world. We started in 2019 to bring affordable healthcare services to remote areas where adequate healthcare is scarce. QuickMed's E Patient Medical Record and real-time telemedicine program modules come with automated recognition and setup features that enable plug-n-play with a wide range of medical devices from many different manufacturers. As the patient is examined, all test information is made available in real-time to authorized healthcare providers anywhere in Bangladesh, and is automatically saved in the patient's electronic medical record - which also includes the physician's diagnosis and other medical and demographic data.
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