Sakib Rafsan Records - Dhaka, Bangladesh
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Sakib Rafsan Records
Dhaka, Bangladesh
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Company description
Sakib Rafsan Records is a pioneering independent record label and digital marketing agency founded in 2018 by Sakib Rafsan, a Bangladeshi entrepreneur and digital marketer. Headquartered in Narail, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Sakib Rafsan Records offers a wide range of services, including creating YouTube artist channels, distributing music on the top streaming platforms, releasing PR articles on high-authority news websites, promoting brands, pages, and influencers on social media with over 150 million networks, and providing content creation, verification services, Instagram campaigns, social media campaigns, and article publishing. Additionally, the company publishes paid articles in both national and international news outlets, and assists celebrities and brand entrepreneurs in getting
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verified on various social media pages such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. At the helm of the company is the founder, Sakib Rafsan, who is supported by a team of skilled artists, designers, social butterflies, writers, photographers, and strategists, all working together to fulfill the expectations of their customers.Listed in categories
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