Ships Supplies and Services

Ships Supplies and Services
About the product
Deck Stores.
Engine Stores.
Electrical Stores.
Navigational Equipment.
Safety Stores.
Stationary Stores.
Marine Publications, Nautical Chart, Notice to Mariner & Navigational Books.
Also Others Ships Store Supply (As per ISSA & IMPA Code as a Member).

Ship top to Bottom Repairs.
Ship Under Water Repairs.
Crane Repair & Maintenance.
Marine M/E A/E Maintenance & Repairs.
Marine Navigational Repairs.
Ship Anchor & Anchor Chain Repairs.
Gangway Fittings & Repairs.
Hydraulic & Electrical Motor Repairs/Rewinding.
Ships all Side Plate Cutting & Repairs.
Dry-dock support & Repairs Assistance.
All Others Repair Works With Qualified Certified Engineer/Technicians.

Fresh and Frozen: Vegetables, Seafoods, Meats, Sausages, Fruits.
Dairy: Ice-Cream, Cheeses, Butter, Milk, Yoghurts Etc.
Drinks: Syrup, Juices, Coffee, Snacks & Others.
Dry: Spices, Soup, Noodles, Rice, Flour, Sauce, Biscuits Etc.
Tined: Vegetables, Seafoods, Meat, Fruits Etc.
Bond: Cigarette, Chocolates, Soft Drinks, Mineral Water and Other Bonded Item.
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