Auto Crop Care Limited - Dhaka, Bangladesh
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Company name
Auto Crop Care Limited
64, Motijheel C/A, P.O. Box: 1000, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Contact number
+880 2 956 0680
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Working hours
- Monday: 24 hours
- Tuesday: 24 hours
- Wednesday: 24 hours
- Thursday: 24 hours
- Friday: Closed
- Saturday: 24 hours
- Sunday: 24 hours
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Company description
The flagship business house Auto Crop Care Limited, founded in 1965 as Auto Equipment Limited. At present this is one of the top two Agro-chemical Companies in Bangladesh. We started our business keeping a strong focus on the crop segment of Bangladesh.
Gradually, Auto Crop Care Limited (ACC) along with its Seed and Farm Machinery Division jointly pursuing to provide a total farm solution to the farmers of Bangladesh by offering a wide range of Agri-care products. ACC Imports crop protection chemicals from the USA, Germany, Australia, China, India, Singapore and Indonesia in bulk, repack them in small packing in its own formulation & repacking plant and market them at the farmers’ level.
ACC also imports & markets Herbicides, Fungicides, Insecticides, PGR, Micro Nutrients and on
Our pursuit is progress for the farmers of the whole of Bangladesh. That’s why we take a closer look at the farmers and think them ahead. We’ve been around for more than 54 years. Honorable Managing Director, Mr. Quazi A F M Zainul Abedin, who founded our company in 1965. Since then, we have become a truly nation-wide complete Agro solution band with 12 branches all over the country.
We are, at present, a multi-disciplinary business conglomerate engaged in Distribution and Manufacturing type of business under a single umbrella named Group QA with staff strength of around 8000 people. At our credit, we have a successful track-record of dealing in crop protection chemicals, agricultural hybrid seeds, automotive spares and accessories, power tools and equipments, agricultural machinery, readymade garments and consumer items.
Gradually, Auto Crop Care Limited (ACC) along with its Seed and Farm Machinery Division jointly pursuing to provide a total farm solution to the farmers of Bangladesh by offering a wide range of Agri-care products. ACC Imports crop protection chemicals from the USA, Germany, Australia, China, India, Singapore and Indonesia in bulk, repack them in small packing in its own formulation & repacking plant and market them at the farmers’ level.
ACC also imports & markets Herbicides, Fungicides, Insecticides, PGR, Micro Nutrients and on
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the other hand its Seed Division is involved with seed production & multiplication as well as marketing of high-performance rice, maize & vegetable seeds.Our pursuit is progress for the farmers of the whole of Bangladesh. That’s why we take a closer look at the farmers and think them ahead. We’ve been around for more than 54 years. Honorable Managing Director, Mr. Quazi A F M Zainul Abedin, who founded our company in 1965. Since then, we have become a truly nation-wide complete Agro solution band with 12 branches all over the country.
We are, at present, a multi-disciplinary business conglomerate engaged in Distribution and Manufacturing type of business under a single umbrella named Group QA with staff strength of around 8000 people. At our credit, we have a successful track-record of dealing in crop protection chemicals, agricultural hybrid seeds, automotive spares and accessories, power tools and equipments, agricultural machinery, readymade garments and consumer items.
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