Moonflower Autism Foundation - Dhaka, Bangladesh

Moonflower Autism Foundation
Moonflower Autism Foundation
Moonflower Autism Foundation
Moonflower Autism Foundation
  • Verified
Company name
Moonflower Autism Foundation
House-20/28, Block-B,Babar Road, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Contact number
Mobile phone
Working hours
  • Monday: 8:30-5:30
  • Tuesday: 8:30-5:30
  • Wednesday: 8:30-5:30
  • Thursday: 8:30-5:30
  • Friday: Closed
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: 8:30-5:30
Contact Person
Mofijul Islam, Executive Director
Establishment year
VAT registration
Moonflower Autism Foundation
E-mail address
Company description
Moonflower Autism Foundation
(An initiative of a dedicated group of parents of individuals with autism)

Inception of Moonflower Autism Foundation:

Moonflower Autism Foundation was formed by a group of parents of individuals with autism and professionals on 23 December, 2022.

The founders of Moonflower Autism Foundation also founded Society for the Welfare of Autistic Children (SWAC) and played significant role to make it a successful organization. Mr. Naquib Khan (Vice-chairman of SWAC till November 2022.) Dr. Shiraji Munira Choudhury (Founder Parent Member, former Secretary, principal & consultant SWAC and Executive Member till November 2022). Syeda Shamima Akter (former Treasure from 2010 to November 2022) are bearing their responsibilities as Chairman, Secretary and  
Show more Treasurer of this new foundation

Besides this Engr Anwar Hossain, former Chairman, SWAC (2001 to 2018) and Sabina Hossain(immediate past secretary, former Principal and Founder of SWAC) are also members of this new foundation.

All teaching staff and officers of Moonflower Autism Foundation were involved with Society for the Welfare of Autistic Children (SWAC). We have here Senior and most experienced staff who were working for 12 to 22 years and resigned from SWAC in December 2022.

The aims and objectives of Moonflower Autism Foundation is to provide training and education of individuals with autism and to rehabilitate them in mainstream society.

An Executive Committee constituting only parents of individuals with autism manages the foundation. The students’ fees, personal donations of members, parents, other generous individuals and organizations fund all of the activities of Moonflower Autism Foundation.

The Executive Members and General Members of this Foundation have been playing significant role on autism education and training in this country since 2000.

Moonflower Autism Foundation is a non–profit, non–government, non-political and voluntary organization providing services to individuals with autism and their families in order to improve the quality of their lives.

Foundation operates a well equipped and structured education and training centre called Moonflower School for Autism.

Moonflower Autism Foundation is devoted to rehabilitate and empower the individuals with autism, their families and the professionals.

Our mission:
To setup a modern, excellent quality and daily life skills oriented education, training and variety of services and facilities for individuals with autism in order to develop an inclusive society which accepts and respects individuals with autism and empowers each person to reach their highest potential without any discrimination (race, religion, caste or creed.)

Executive Committee:
1. Naquib Khan, Chairman
2. Syeda Monjuara Sultana, Vice Chairman
3. Dr. Shiraji Munira Choudhury, Secretary
4. Dr. Akm Moniruzzaman, Joint Secretary

5. Syeda Shamima Akther, Treasure
Executive Members:
1. Mrs. Marzina Yasmin
2. Mr. Imrul Kabir
3. Mr. Aminul Islam Khan
4. Mrs. Hasina Parveen

An Appeal
Moonflower Autism Foundation is a non-profit, non-government, non-political and voluntary organization founded with the intention of helping individuals with autism in establishing their rights to education, social acceptance and to lead meaningful and productive lives. Moonflower Autism Foundation has been very effective in its mission.

As a conscientious member of the society you can join us in our efforts with your help and assistance. You can make a difference in the future of individuals with autism.

Please come forward and extend your support towards our endeavour, care and services of individuals with autism.

Where to Contact:
Naquib Khan, Chairman,
Dr. Shiraji Munira Choudhury, Secretary
Mofijul Islam, Executive Director, 01841632861

Moonflower Autism Foundation
Current Address:
House-20/28, Block-B, Babar Road, Mohammadpur,
Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Cell + 88 01841632861 + 88 01712793662
email:[email protected], [email protected]

Products & Services 1

  • Provide Special Education and Training
    Special school for individuals with autism


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