Hanif Enterprise - Head Office - Dhaka, Bangladesh

5 Reviews
Hanif Enterprise - Head Office
  • Verified
Company name
Hanif Enterprise - Head Office
22/3 College Gate, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Working hours
  • Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
  • Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
  • Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
  • Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
  • Friday: Closed
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: 08:00 - 17:00
E-mail address
Company description
Hanif Enterprise is the leading and most popular bus service in Bangladesh. We have Volvo I shift, Hino RM2, Hino RN8 business class AC Bus, and Hino 1j NON AC BUS. Our bus operates all over Bangladesh. We are providing bus services throughout the country for a few decades. We have a great reputation for our service and now we are launching our own website and mobile application for our passengers so that travelers can book their desired ticket at home.

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5 Reviews
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Bad Service!
Driver, Supervisor and Helper are busy to make extra money, like a local bus almost every stoppage they pull passengers who did not have tickets.

Is it the way Hanif is putting their name in the successful transport business?

Unfortunate, no mechanism is there to catch these corruptions!

Result - making passengers life nightmare!

Bad nature of bus supervisor
Date 11/11/2020. Time 02 :15 pm. ঢাকা to joypurhat jassi, bus 2 hours late, dirty bus, bus change, passengers harassment, dirty talking, late reach, এগুলো কমন হয়েছে. হানিফ রেস্টুরেন্ট এ loose water পাওয়া যায় না, ওই খানে বাস দাড়ায় কেনো? আপনাদের সার্ভিস এত বাজে,টাকা নিয়ে সেবা নাই, এর জবাব কোনো একদিন দিতে হবে ঠিকই!!!!
Better a poor horse than no horse at all
Better a poor horse than no horse at all.
পাবলিক ভোগান্তি...
কি রিভিউ যে দিবো তাই ই বুঝতে পারছি না.. :( :(
গত তিন মাস আগে রাত ৮:৩০ এর গাড়ি আসবে আসবে বলে রাত ১১:৪৫ এ বলে যে আসবে না।।
আবার আজ রাত ০৯:১৫ এর গাড়ি এখন ১২:৫৫ বাজে এখনো আসেনি, শুনলাম গাড়ি ঢাকা থেকে ব্যাক করছে এখন যশোর আছে।। জানিনা কখন আসবে।।
হানিফ কোম্পানির ঘাড়িতে টিকিট কাটছি, ভাবতেই আমার খুব ঘৃণা লাগছে...!!!
এটলিস্ট এদের একটু লজ্জা হওয়া উচিত।।
[ ] Date: 9th May 2018
[ ] I never thought that we will have a such a bad experiance in Hanif's setvice. The matter is that your bus got suddeny reward break fail. Which could've take our lives at that moment. Its your 1st trip bus which's coach Number is named 707 as coach number. It occured this morning of 9th may 2018 near at 5:50 AM.
[ ] I would like to request the bus owner seriously to check all the buses engine or gear system before the deperture of sheduled time to save all passengers life . I am also sorry to mention such a complainn against Hanif's survice. This news should go to 'News Channel'. "I will surely inform it to my personal Tv News which is named 'Channel 16' if i don't get any feedback response from Hanif's service."
[ ] It's really sorrowful for us that you take money from us 480 BDT for buse's ticket but you didn't check the current buses engine condition weather the bus is perfecty able to run or not. I am not going to take any adventure further in Hanif's service further, if you are not going to take any action against of this complain. I will also inform it to my relatives and other peoples not to have adventure in Hanif's service. Please save our life, Please.
[ ] Thank you.
[ ] -This sudden accident has been complained by the passenger of Alfa seat no A2 whose name is Rashedul Ikram Masum. Call for further information to the cell no ********. Thank You. :)

Questions & Answers

Do not give trouble to your business or service.
Can you give ne Uttara counter contract number?
Ticket price of dhaka to coxes bakar a chair cosh bus

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