Autonomy Tech Bangladesh Ltd. - Dhaka
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Company name
Autonomy Tech Bangladesh Ltd.
House #378, Road #06, Avenue #03, Mirpur DOHS, Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh.
Contact number
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Working hours
- Monday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
- Tuesday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
- Wednesday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
- Thursday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
- Friday: Day Off
- Saturday: Day Off
- Sunday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Contact Person
Saibal MahmudCompany manager
Saibal MahmudEstablishment year
16-25E-mail address
Company description
Autonomy Tech Bangladesh Limited is a well-known Software company in Bangladesh. Serving multiple Software Services using the latest technology and plays a significant role in the economy.
By providing exceptional customer service, more flexibility, and higher value—optimizing system functionality and boosting operational effectiveness—we aim to go above and beyond what our clients expect. Our employees stand out for their functional and technical knowledge as well as their practical experience, guaranteeing that our clients receive the most efficient and qualified service possible.
We follow worldwide best practices and standards in all facets of our work, including customer management, capacity building, maintenance support, and documentation in addition to product
Our capacity of expertise spans all facets of implementation, from the determination of business requirements to the creation of functional specifications for client approval, system design, quality assurance, and testing to adapt the program to particular client requirements. We typically handle and provide operational and technical training and support on-site at the client's location and address and resolve difficulties that emerge when the customer commences software usage in a live scenario.
Our ability to directly benefit our clients and have them use our solutions to increase productivity, profitability, and efficiency is what determines how successful we are.
By providing exceptional customer service, more flexibility, and higher value—optimizing system functionality and boosting operational effectiveness—we aim to go above and beyond what our clients expect. Our employees stand out for their functional and technical knowledge as well as their practical experience, guaranteeing that our clients receive the most efficient and qualified service possible.
We follow worldwide best practices and standards in all facets of our work, including customer management, capacity building, maintenance support, and documentation in addition to product
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creation.Our capacity of expertise spans all facets of implementation, from the determination of business requirements to the creation of functional specifications for client approval, system design, quality assurance, and testing to adapt the program to particular client requirements. We typically handle and provide operational and technical training and support on-site at the client's location and address and resolve difficulties that emerge when the customer commences software usage in a live scenario.
Our ability to directly benefit our clients and have them use our solutions to increase productivity, profitability, and efficiency is what determines how successful we are.
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Listed in categories
Products & Services 3
- Web Application DevelopmentAutonomy Tech Bangladesh uses a Rapid Web Development proces...
- Internet of ThingsThe Internet of Things (IoT) refers to physical items equipp...
- Block-ChainBlockchain technology might be used to build a permanent, pu...
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