Khadim Ceramics Limited - Sylhet, Bangladesh
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Company name
Khadim Ceramics Limited
Hossain Chamber (4th Floor), East Minabazar, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Contact number
+880 821 762177
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 09:00 - 17:30
- Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:30
- Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:30
- Thursday: 09:00 - 17:30
- Friday: Closed
- Saturday: 09:00 - 17:30
- Sunday: 09:00 - 17:30
E-mail address
Company description
Khadim Ceramics Ltd (KCL) is a pioneer in manufacturing of different type of clay products in Bangladesh. Established in 1995, Khadim Ceramics, based in Sylhet is a sister concern of the most reputed Mirpur Ceramic works Ltd. The company is well known for the production of architectural wall tiles, roof tiles, paving tiles and tile adhesive.
Nature has set the earth in rich tapestry for human architects to exploit. Khadim Ceramics Ltd, a sister concern of Mirpur Ceramic work Ltd, planning ahead for rapid urbanization, with tremendous pressure of population and human mind’s interests, is now scattered throughout Bangladesh with its matchless products which are widely popular and easily conceivable names in ceramic industries. The company aesthetically attaches its role to create
Khadim Ceramics prolific strength lies in its outstanding structural clay products. The company pride itself on its quality products, focusing on minimizing cost and maximizing the quality. The company has modern production line which complies with high standards of excellence helping them to retain their quality both home and abroad. The latest technology and quality control systems are used to continually improve processes and procedure, making it possible to offer the quality, the customers expect. The company has received many awards for its contribution in national promotion as well as exports in many countries.
The objectives of the company is to constantly upgrade and modernize its establishment in pace with the current trends. As such it has also introduced creative concept in its products to make it acceptable and adaptive to clients and environment respectively.
By the grace of the Almighty, the market pioneers, still after 25 years have the same unique place in the Bangladesh market.
Nature has set the earth in rich tapestry for human architects to exploit. Khadim Ceramics Ltd, a sister concern of Mirpur Ceramic work Ltd, planning ahead for rapid urbanization, with tremendous pressure of population and human mind’s interests, is now scattered throughout Bangladesh with its matchless products which are widely popular and easily conceivable names in ceramic industries. The company aesthetically attaches its role to create
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a perception of peace and tranquility in every man’s imagination for building a good home in both exterior and interior design.Khadim Ceramics prolific strength lies in its outstanding structural clay products. The company pride itself on its quality products, focusing on minimizing cost and maximizing the quality. The company has modern production line which complies with high standards of excellence helping them to retain their quality both home and abroad. The latest technology and quality control systems are used to continually improve processes and procedure, making it possible to offer the quality, the customers expect. The company has received many awards for its contribution in national promotion as well as exports in many countries.
The objectives of the company is to constantly upgrade and modernize its establishment in pace with the current trends. As such it has also introduced creative concept in its products to make it acceptable and adaptive to clients and environment respectively.
By the grace of the Almighty, the market pioneers, still after 25 years have the same unique place in the Bangladesh market.
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