Bay Emporium - Dhaka, Bangladesh
Bay Emporium
1 Review
Bay Emporiumshop #c-5, level #6, panthapath, 1205017 16273232
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Bay Emporium
shop #c-5, level #6, panthapath, 1205, Dhaka, Bangladesh
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Bay Emporiumshop #c-5, level #6, panthapath, 1205017 16273232
A few days back i bought a pair of sandals from the bay outlet at mirpur-10. As it turned out the pair was a size big(size-10) for me so i went to the outlet to change it. The outlets manager AMINUL-******** said they didn't had size-9 on their hand and suggested ishould go to the mirpur-11 outlet in MIDTOWN shopping mall. But to my astonishment they said they could not change the pair and said to go to the mirpur -1 outlet. On going to the outlet the shops manager showed me a very rough behavior. He told me that i needed to go to the outlet i bought the pair from to change it. At that point i became very upset and returned home being very tired as it was the month of ramaden. The 2000 tk i spend for my sandal was nothing to me but the behavior i got from the sellers was very very rude and harsh none the less the brand value of bay had plummeted to me. I am thinking of never buying any thing from them any more after my miserable experience!!!!!!!!
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