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Room No. 142-143, Samabay New Market, 194 B.B. Road, Narayangang, P.O. Box: 1400000, Bangladesh
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Employees 5 - 10
Company description
Looking for efficient supplier with reduced lead time and competitive prices for readymade garments product?We at SAHEEL TRADE SERVICES provide a one stop solution leading to hassle and headache free buying and sourcing of readymade garments product in Bangladesh.We maintain liaison with various manufacturers of garment product in this country and believe we have the much needed experience to meet your needs. Furthermore, we provide logistic support in terms of monitoring the production process, shipping of the finished products and ensuring quality. We are looking to target various consumer groups and provide a varied range of services. We help our clients procure their products with unprecedented speed, accuracy and efficiency. Also we can promise you unrivalled service in the matter of
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negotiating prices and ensuring superior quality. We maintain continuous correspondence with our clients and provide immediate feedback. Over the years we have also tried to diversify our services. Other than accommodating fresh orders for brand products we have been specializing in promotional items. A product portfolio can be sent to you if required.We do not merely act as a sourcing agent but we provide all kinds of services that will enable our buyers to reduce their cost and prevent bottlenecks. The garments industry has grown significantly over the years in Bangladesh and thus provides an array of opportunities that can be exploited. We here at SAHEEL TRADE SERVICES with our market knowledge and access can provide you with the necessary tools and support to take full advantage of the market opportunities. If you need further information please feel free to contact us. It will be a pleasure to serve you and cater to all your needs. We can be your partner here in Bangladesh!Listed in categories
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