St. Peters School of London - Dhaka, Bangladesh
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St. Peters School of London
Dhanmondi Branch: Road# 7A, House # 74/A Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209 Uttara Branch House # 22, Sector#13(Opposite of Agora) Uttara,Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh
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Rasel SarkerCompany manager
K.M. HasnatEstablishment year
16-25E-mail address
Company description
St. Peter’s School of London is considered to be the benchmark for precious education. We, at St. Peter's School, deliver premier high quality education and instill the attitudes and desire for learning to ensure that this decision is investing the student’s future with us, is the right path to success. We will open up a world of opportunities for our students and equip them with all the knowledge and skills necessary for them to take their place as productive and highly successful citizens, not only of Bangladesh, but of our rapidly changing world.
St. Peter’s School of London was founded and established by our present Vice Principal and one of the owners, Mr. AGM Sabbir. The school was opened in 2012 and a branch of the UK based St. Peter’s College of London.Since May 2013;
Our goal will be to ensure that every pupil gives his or her best and we will achieve this through small class sizes of 25 pupils, and close monitoring of each pupil’s progress. Academic standards will be high and will be fostered through a sense of purpose and a positive working environment. Well qualified & experienced teachers have been appointed, who are knowledgeable, capable of using innovative teaching methodology with a passion for their subject as well as providing knowledge, guidance and motivation to the pupils. Emphasis is put on study skills so that pupils become independent learners and become self-reliant. Excellence is fostered in a stimulating yet supportive environment and pupils learn to research and extend their knowledge, engaging in individual projects, group work and presentations.
St. Peter’s School of London was founded and established by our present Vice Principal and one of the owners, Mr. AGM Sabbir. The school was opened in 2012 and a branch of the UK based St. Peter’s College of London.Since May 2013;
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NeeraHabib, the former Director Administration of Mastermind School, has joined the management committee of St. Peter’s School of London and has taken the charge of the Managing Director of St. Peter’s School of London Ltd being one of the owners. She also has taken the charge of being the Principal of the school. She has the honorable experience of working as the project manager of the Swiss NGO Terre des homes (Switzerland) for 6 years.Our goal will be to ensure that every pupil gives his or her best and we will achieve this through small class sizes of 25 pupils, and close monitoring of each pupil’s progress. Academic standards will be high and will be fostered through a sense of purpose and a positive working environment. Well qualified & experienced teachers have been appointed, who are knowledgeable, capable of using innovative teaching methodology with a passion for their subject as well as providing knowledge, guidance and motivation to the pupils. Emphasis is put on study skills so that pupils become independent learners and become self-reliant. Excellence is fostered in a stimulating yet supportive environment and pupils learn to research and extend their knowledge, engaging in individual projects, group work and presentations.
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