Swedish International Development Authority (SIDA) - Dhaka, Bangladesh

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Swedish International Development Authority (SIDA)
House-13, Lane-8 , Block-C, Mirpur-6 , Dhaka-1216 , Bangladesh
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Company description
Green Home Development Foundation (GHDF) is a Christian non-government, non-profitable and non-political voluntary social development organization. It was established in 2006 with the initiative of a group of educated social activist with an aim to improve socio-economic status of the underprivileged peoples of the society. It is founded on a set of believes concerning the basic problems of the rural people like-illiteracy, ill health, unemployment, oppression/ civic inertia & environmental hazards. Peoples have their inherent power to solve their own problems, but they lack opportunity, resources & civic rights. The development philosophy Green Home Development Foundation (GHDF) is essentially humanist, holistic and people-centered approach that aim to empowering people through develop  
Show more their potential inherent powers (intellectual, productive, physical & political/organizing) to enable them to take responsibility of their self-reliance and sustainable development. GHDF believes on non-directive, bottom up, integrated and participatory development frame work and acts as a catalyst with its concerned people.

8. Vision, Mission, Goal and Objectives:

The Poor and underprivileged people are poor and underprovided because they have been exploited by the rich , The will work for the betterment of their life . The Organization will just play the role of a catalyst .

Mission of GHDF is to ensure socio economic development by creating entitlement through skill development, empowering by providing information & service support and safety net for the neglected.

The goal of the organization is to reduce poverty and to promote sustainable development.

As per approved constitution, GHDF sated the following objectives to achieve the goal:
 Creation of employment opportunities through skill development and Vocational Training support program for income-generation.
 Ensuring Literacy, Continuing Education (CE) for those, who did not have the opportunities to be enrolled, drop outs and peoples with special needs.
 Awareness building regarding legal aid, democracy, good governances, health care, sanitation, use of safe water, gender issues, safe sex and HIV/AIDS.
 Natural disaster management, food security, advocacy, research and technology improvement.
 Strengthening local government, monitoring, evaluation, civil society initiatives, community based organization.
 Organize local initiatives for production of goods and services for income generation.
 Organize cultural activities and sport events.
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