AB GEOTECH MARITIME LIMITED - Chittagong, Bangladesh
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House# 185 Ground Floor, Road: 02, Block # C, Shugandha City corp. R/A, Panchlaish, Chittagong, Bangladesh
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Avijit Barua Establishment year
51-100E-mail address
Company description
The history of AB GEOTECH MARITIME LIMITED. Is based on the success and growth of people who become partners and collaborators. For senior management, this story begins with the talent of the founders for the creation of a productive and technological partnership to set a new benchmark in providing surveying support to the Oil and Gas Industry.
AB GEOTECH MARITIME LIMITED in Bangladesh have capacity to works like Geotechnical investigations on Marine and Land, Bathymetric & Geophysical Survey (both Marine & Land) in Bangladesh.
We successfully completed boreholes for Marin soil investigation work for Reliance POWER LNG , PETRONET LNG LIMITED for LNG Project ON MARIN AND LAND AT Kutubdia, coxsbazar, chittagong
With our associate Indian company, we has been started with sole
We are looking forward to associate with you for all kind of drilling and exploration projects, Bathymetric Surveys, Geophysical Surveys, Land Surveys, Soil investigations, Geotech investigations, Mining explorations, etc.either by providing you consultancy services or undertaking your various projects for research & feasibility studies along with your esteemed organisation.
It is our endeavor to establish AB GEOTECH MARITIME LIMITED professionally very high in Bangladesh in the field of Hydrography, Land Surveying, Geotech and Mineral Exploration field.
Contacts made during the initial development phase of the company led to the hiring of industry veterans, who in turn helped the company to venture and expand into new market areas. Since its inception, the AB GEOTECH MARITIME LIMITED has grown at a phenomenal rate.
AB GEOTECH MARITIME LIMITED has been founded with a wide vision encompassing five key points enumerated below, which are our striving force of day-to-day operations for each job and for every Client:
• To be an ever-growing company
• Earing clients trust for life-time
• Utilizing state-of-art technology to the client’s benefits
• Doing it right the first time
• Being a great place to work
“The mission of AB GEOTECH MARITIME LIMITED is to prosper as a professional ethical company by stimulating and satisfying the needs of our clients with successful innovative and Continually improved services through the continual enhancement of the Company’s personnel expertise and resources”
AB GEOTECH MARITIME LIMITED in Bangladesh have capacity to works like Geotechnical investigations on Marine and Land, Bathymetric & Geophysical Survey (both Marine & Land) in Bangladesh.
We successfully completed boreholes for Marin soil investigation work for Reliance POWER LNG , PETRONET LNG LIMITED for LNG Project ON MARIN AND LAND AT Kutubdia, coxsbazar, chittagong
With our associate Indian company, we has been started with sole
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intention to serve the industry with competitive yet quality survey & geotechnical services. We are having a competitive pool of Surveyors, Engineers, Data Processors and ROV Techs with number of years experience to undertake survey, geotech investigations and mineral exploration related jobs including but not limited to Positioning Services (including Underwater), Bathymetry Surveys, Land Surveys, Offshore Construction Support, Pre Engineering Surveys, Geophysical Surveys, Geotechnical Investigations(both Marine & Land), Mineral exploration, Mining drilling, Environmental Surveys, Etc.We are looking forward to associate with you for all kind of drilling and exploration projects, Bathymetric Surveys, Geophysical Surveys, Land Surveys, Soil investigations, Geotech investigations, Mining explorations, etc.either by providing you consultancy services or undertaking your various projects for research & feasibility studies along with your esteemed organisation.
It is our endeavor to establish AB GEOTECH MARITIME LIMITED professionally very high in Bangladesh in the field of Hydrography, Land Surveying, Geotech and Mineral Exploration field.
Contacts made during the initial development phase of the company led to the hiring of industry veterans, who in turn helped the company to venture and expand into new market areas. Since its inception, the AB GEOTECH MARITIME LIMITED has grown at a phenomenal rate.
AB GEOTECH MARITIME LIMITED has been founded with a wide vision encompassing five key points enumerated below, which are our striving force of day-to-day operations for each job and for every Client:
• To be an ever-growing company
• Earing clients trust for life-time
• Utilizing state-of-art technology to the client’s benefits
• Doing it right the first time
• Being a great place to work
“The mission of AB GEOTECH MARITIME LIMITED is to prosper as a professional ethical company by stimulating and satisfying the needs of our clients with successful innovative and Continually improved services through the continual enhancement of the Company’s personnel expertise and resources”
Listed in categories
Products & Services 3
- ELECTRICAL WATER DETECTORmainly used to find out location, depth, flowing, water quan...
- DAM PIPING DETECTORAccording to analyze to electric resistivity underground, it...
- Electrical Field geological detectorFor Frequency Test, TEM, Etc
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