MSB Academy - Dhaka, Bangladesh

MSB Academy
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MSB Academy
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Masuk Sarker Batista, a 25-year-old Bangladeshi, created the e-learning platform MSB Academy in 2018 in order to provide global standard courses in Bangla. Batista, a best-selling course creator on platforms like Udemy and Skillshare, and a content creator on YouTube with a channel boasting over 215,000 subscribers, and having years of teaching experience, was inspired to create a platform where leading course creators could offer advanced courses in Bangla, and provide online support to the students taking the courses. MSB stands for Most Significant Bit, which signifies the platform's mission to ensure the quality of the course and the success of the students. To help reach this aim, MSB Academy provides students with a straightforward interface, the most convenient payment methods, and  
Show more the best instructors. It also offers courses that are 60%-70% more cost-efficient compared to physical classes. Additionally, students have the opportunity to earn online by joining the affiliate program. Affiliate marketers have to refer these courses to the students and they will receive a 20% commission upon sales. MSB Academy's main target is to provide world-class education in the Bangla language. This platform allows virtually anyone, anywhere in Bangladesh, with an internet connection and a determination to learn, to come to MSB Academy, master an array of skills, and start working to pursue their dreams.
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