Ocoxe - Khulna, Bangladesh

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Khulna, Bangladesh
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Company description
Ocoxe is a pioneering technology firm committed to providing a variety of digital solutions to people and companies of all sizes. Founded in 2018 by [Abdullah Al Redwan](https://www.crunchbase.com/person/abdullah-al-redwan), also known professionally as Redwiat, a Bangladeshi blogger personality with a strong background in technology and entrepreneurship, our team of experienced professionals strives to assist our clients in succeeding in the digital world through services such as web development, digital marketing, app development, and e-commerce. In addition to these services, we also provide social media management, bug bounty, website optimization, WordPress support, domain and hosting, and custom software development. At Ocoxe, we believe technology has the power to transform  
Show more businesses and encourage growth. We collaborate with our customers to recognize their requirements and ambitions, and we leverage our technical know-how and cutting-edge collaborations to provide personalized solutions that bring results. Apart from our technical capabilities, we also take pride in our customer service. We aim to build long-term partnerships based on trust and mutual success, and we are devoted to providing outstanding service to each and every one of our customers. Whether you are an individual or a business of any size, Ocoxe has the skills and resources to help you succeed in the digital world.


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