Falcon Academy of Sciences - Dhaka, Bangladesh
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Falcon Academy of Sciences
Dhaka, Bangladesh
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Company description
Falcon Academy of Sciences (FAS) is an organization based in Bangladesh that provides student researchers a platform to develop their knowledge and skills to solve problems, make sense of information, and evaluate evidence. Founded in 2022, FAS is led by a team of dedicated researchers and professors from renowned universities who are experienced in writing and publishing research papers in peer-reviewed journals. The organization seeks to foster a friendly and open learning environment, encouraging students to engage in research from an early age.
Unfortunately, in Bangladesh, students who are interested in research often lack the resources and guidance to pursue their interests, and professors who are willing to help have difficulty connecting with students. Additionally, certain
Unfortunately, in Bangladesh, students who are interested in research often lack the resources and guidance to pursue their interests, and professors who are willing to help have difficulty connecting with students. Additionally, certain
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societal biases can hinder the overall quality of research and education in the country. To address this, FAS provides students the opportunity to conduct research under the supervision of renowned professors both locally and abroad, with full laboratory access. By acting as a connecting medium between students and professors, FAS strives to promote quality research and education and create a brighter future for Bangladesh.Location map
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