BongoBD - Dhaka, Bangladesh
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Dhaka, Bangladesh
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Company description
BongoBD is an innovative Bangladeshi entertainment company that provides on-demand video, live TV, and other digital content to its customers. It works in partnership with telecom operators to make premium content available to a potential population of 180 million across Bangladesh, and it has seen rapid growth due to the expansion of mobile data. The company has set up a network of YouTube channels and influencers in five countries, with over 500 channels under management, 83 million subscribers, and a reach of more than 210 million unique viewers every month. BongoBD helps content labels transition into the digital world, while also nurturing and promoting talented creators to produce content that appeals to their audiences. With 5 languages in its content library and over 57,000
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titles, BongoBD has also launched a cricket website and an Android app. Additionally, its YouTube channel has crossed the milestone of 2 million subscribers and it has been awarded the YouTube Gold Play Button and ICT National Award. Founded by Navidul Huq and Ahad Mohammad in 2013, BongoBD is headquartered in Dhaka, Bangladesh, USA.Listed in categories
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