- Dhaka, Bangladesh
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Dhaka, Bangladesh
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The Internet has become an integral part of our everyday lives, and businesses are realizing the potential of the web as a shopping channel to reach both current and potential customers. Online shopping is nothing new; it has been around since the Internet was made available to the public. Many companies, like Gap clothing, have used the Internet for marketing their fashion retail.
Many shoppers cite the following reasons for buying online: saving time by not going to a store (70%), shopping when stores are closed (69%), avoiding the holiday crowds (68%), finding better prices (59%), finding products that are not available in stores (50%), easier price comparisons (47%), having gifts sent directly to the recipient (36%), avoiding wrapping gifts (13%), earning loyalty points (13%), and
To make your shopping experience even better, we invite you to visit MultiShopBD - - the best shopping site in Bangladesh!
Many shoppers cite the following reasons for buying online: saving time by not going to a store (70%), shopping when stores are closed (69%), avoiding the holiday crowds (68%), finding better prices (59%), finding products that are not available in stores (50%), easier price comparisons (47%), having gifts sent directly to the recipient (36%), avoiding wrapping gifts (13%), earning loyalty points (13%), and
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purchasing from a wish list (10%).To make your shopping experience even better, we invite you to visit MultiShopBD - - the best shopping site in Bangladesh!
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