Mirpur Ceramic Works Ltd. - Dhaka, Bangladesh
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Company name
Mirpur Ceramic Works Ltd.
House # 1, Road # 28, Off. Kemal Ataturk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Contact number
+880 2 8822026
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 09:00 - 19:00
- Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:00
- Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:00
- Thursday: 09:00 - 19:00
- Friday: Closed
- Saturday: 09:00 - 19:00
- Sunday: 09:00 - 19:00
E-mail address
Company description
Mirpur Ceramic Works Ltd. (MCWL), the largest structural clay products manufacturer in Bangladesh, was established in 1958 and incorporated as Private Limited Company in 1962. Over the period of 60 years, the company has been manufacturing quality structural clay products like bricks, blocks, pavers, and unglazed tiles etc. with technology being developed from time to time by its R&D Department through which it has been possible to market various products to meet the latest demands of the market.
The foundation of Mirpur Ceramic Works Ltd. (MCWL) was laid by visionary founder Late Ariff Wali Mohamed Tabani and Late Rashid Wali Mohamed Tabani. They were a pioneer step to provide enhanced variety of high quality natural clay products to be used as construction materials. To carry
Mirpur Ceramics’ extensive range of eco-friendly products are manufactured and tested to the highest quality. The company now produces 30 million pieces of different products per annum. Besides meeting the country’s requirement they export a sizeable quantity, earning, not only foreign exchange but also has earned a reputation in and outside the country, for their marketing and quality.
The company was also awarded Export Trophy for the financial year 1996-97 due to its outstanding export performance in its own field. A constant nag of improving products, providing for the national demand and introducing new products led to the establishment of a sister concern of Mirpur Ceramics based in Sylhet. Known as Khadim Ceramics Limited, the company is well known for the production of claddings, roofing tiles, paving tiles & ready mix dry mortar. The history of this organization can be traced years back.
The foundation of Mirpur Ceramic Works Ltd. (MCWL) was laid by visionary founder Late Ariff Wali Mohamed Tabani and Late Rashid Wali Mohamed Tabani. They were a pioneer step to provide enhanced variety of high quality natural clay products to be used as construction materials. To carry
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forward their visions Mr. Asif Ariff Tabani & Mr. Sakif Ariff Tabani with their sheer determination and enthusiasm made sure that MCWL & KCL products are marketed throughout Bangladesh and abroad.Mirpur Ceramics’ extensive range of eco-friendly products are manufactured and tested to the highest quality. The company now produces 30 million pieces of different products per annum. Besides meeting the country’s requirement they export a sizeable quantity, earning, not only foreign exchange but also has earned a reputation in and outside the country, for their marketing and quality.
The company was also awarded Export Trophy for the financial year 1996-97 due to its outstanding export performance in its own field. A constant nag of improving products, providing for the national demand and introducing new products led to the establishment of a sister concern of Mirpur Ceramics based in Sylhet. Known as Khadim Ceramics Limited, the company is well known for the production of claddings, roofing tiles, paving tiles & ready mix dry mortar. The history of this organization can be traced years back.
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